We can provide a meet and greet service for owners guests. When your guests arrive at your property we can provide keys as necessary and help your guests familiarize themselves with the property.


We will also give full instructions on the facilities that are within the property ie: How the Television works, Washing Machine and Cooker along with Instructions on the Air-Conditoning system if installed, Passwords for Internet and Codes for Alarms. We will also show guests around any exterior facilities and instruct where outside light switches are located, along with where the main fuse box is lives. (As we know the electricity here in Spain does trip quite frequently)


Keys will also be collected if necessary, after the stay as part of our service.

Flamenco Cleaning Services

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If you have any questions or would like a free, no obligation quote please contact Steve or Jacqui using the following contact details.


phone    +34 610 911 399
 +34 966 841 928
email   info@flamencocleaningservices.com 

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